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It has been reported that 30% of people aged 65 and over will fall at least once a year and having a neurological condition increase that likelihood of a fall. As NHS Improvement highlight, falls cause distress and harm to patients and pressures on NHS services.
Evidence from the Royal College of Physicians suggests that patient falls could be reduced by up to 25 to 30% through assessment and intervention.
In this workshop lead to by two experienced specialists, you will enjoy sessions that will be practical and client focused, whilst bringing in some relevant updates on the latest research. The workshop will also discuss key approaches to reducing falls in your service including assessment, with the focus being on falls prevention and management in people with neurological conditions. Further details of the course and our expert facilitator are below.
Course Aims
• To explore the latest research and available resources in the management of falls • To provide an opportunity to develop assessment and clinical reasoning skills around the management of falls • To increase awareness of emerging assistive technologies
Learning objectives
• For participants to be able to use evidence based practice around falls in the management of their patients • For participants to recognise the multi-factorial nature of balance issues and be able to include them in their assessment • For participants to identify and select appropriate interventions towards facilitating improved balance in their patients • For participants to be able to consider the use of assistive technologies in the management of falls where appropriate and available
This workshop is run in partnership with Kent Neurorehab and Walk with Path.